The Illusion of Fear and the Truth of Divine Safety
Human beings live under the shadow of fear, a veil that darkens the soul in the depths of illusion. Fear, in its essence, is the cry of a soul that has forgotten its eternal security in God. It whispers that we are separate, that we are vulnerable to harm, and that something outside of us can threaten the indestructible spirit within. But this, beloved ones, is the grand illusion—the veil of maya, the cosmic dance of duality that bends light into shadows, concealing the eternal truth of God’s love.
I am safe
What is fear but the absence of light? And what is darkness but the forgetting of God’s radiant and ever-present reality? Where there is no light, the heart feels abandoned. Without the presence of God, we feel unsafe, because true security is the soul’s recognition of its oneness with the Infinite. The further we drift from this awareness, the more fear rushes in to fill the void.
Again and again, Jesus sought to return us to this divine safety. “Do not be afraid,” he said—not once, not twice, but over and over throughout his teachings. It is said that this phrase, or some variation of it, appears more than 300 times in the Bible.
He gave us the most beautiful examples to remind us of our security in God’s care. “Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these” (Matthew 6:28-29). These words are a balm to the soul, a reminder that the Creator watches over us more tenderly than we can imagine. If God so clothes the flowers of the field, how much more will He care for us, His children?
Jesus came to reveal divine light and dispel the shadows of fear. Before him, humanity often worshiped a God perceived as distant and severe—a God who demanded sacrifices and obedience, who ruled through fear rather than love. But Jesus came to unveil a higher truth: God is not the punisher, but the Lover of Souls. God is love itself.
Saved and Safe—The Same Divine Truth
What does it mean to be saved? Here, language itself reveals a profound spiritual key. The word saved and the word safe share the same root. To be saved is not simply to be rescued from sin or destruction—it is to be restored to safety, to come back to the unshakable security of divine love.
When religions speak of salvation, they are telling us that the path to God—the path of unity—leads us to the awareness of being safe. To be saved is to know, in the deepest core of your being, that you are one with God, held, protected, and eternally secure.
To heal, in its truest sense, is to be made whole again. Healing is the soul’s journey back to its natural state of oneness with God. When Jesus surrendered his earthly life, he dissolved the illusion of separation. His sacrifice was the death of the false self—the mind that accuses, that condemns, that whispers, “You are unworthy of love. You are unworthy of safety.” His resurrection revealed the immortal truth: the soul is eternal, and in God, we are always whole.
Step Out of the Shadows of Fear
Beloved ones, do not remain in the shadows of fear. Fear is nothing but a fleeting dream that dissolves when the light of divine love shines upon it. To walk with God is to walk in the certainty of safety, for the soul that knows God is unshakable. Love is the bridge that carries us from darkness into the eternal embrace of light.
Remember this: You are not vulnerable. You are not in danger. You are the light of God, a reflection of His eternal presence. Just as Jesus revealed, “The Father and I are one,” so too are you one with that same divine essence. You are safe—now and forever—in the heart of God.
Let the light of love dissolve all fear. Allow the truth of your divine nature to set you free. Surrender to the eternal safety of God, and you will see—you have never been separate from Him. You are whole, you are loved, and you are forever safe in His infinite embrace.